Showing posts with label line-art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label line-art. Show all posts

Grapes drawing - Raisin - Druiven tekening

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Grapes are a berry fruit and belongs to the vine-family. These plants grow like ivy plants. The grape is cultivated by man in tendrils so it can be easily picked. After the harvest, they are used for making wine.

De druif is een besvrucht en behoort tot de wijnstokfamilie. Deze planten groeien als klimopplanten. De druif wordt door de mens gekweekt in ranken zodat vruchten later gemakkelijk kunnen geplukt worden. Na de oogst worden ze meestal gebruikt om wijn van te maken.

Penguin (bird) drawing

Penguins are flightless seabirds that dives in the sea to catch fish. They live mainly in the southern hemisphere. It are cute animals and ofthen used in kids movies.

Pinguïn of vetgans (vogel) tekening

Pinguïns of vetganzen zijn nietvliegende zeevogels die vooral in zee duiken om vissen te vangen. Ze leven vooral op het zuidelijk halfrond.

Pelikaan (vogel) tekening

Pelikanen (latijns: Pelecanidae) zijn grote water vogels. Ze zijn heel herkenbaar aan hun grote lange bek die lijkt op een zak waarmee ze vis, krabben en andere zeevruchten mee vangen.

Pelican (bird) drawing

Pelicans (latin: Pelecanidae) are large water birds. They are characterised by a long beak and large throat pouch to catch fish, crabs and other seefood.

Tiger drawing

The tiger (Latin: Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species in the world. It's a endangered species. They live in the wild nature across Asia, from Turkey to Russia their natural habitat.

Mushroom drawing

The elefant (drawing)

The elephant (Elephantidae) is a protected species and is one of the largest land mammals and belong to the 'trunk animals'. They mostly eat leaves. Their trunk is a handy agile body to grab something from the ground to pick up or to tear of the leaves of trees.
They live mainly in groups with a male elephant. They act as a group to protect the small calves. The male elephants (bull) have large fangs to compete with another male elephant during the mating season.
There are 2 large elephants sorts: the African Elephant and the Indian Elephant. The African elephant is the largest of the two and can weigh up to 5 tons with a height of 3 meters.
The African elephant has not many enemies except the humans because of illegal trade in ivory but also lions in group hunting on elephants.

Allosaurus (lijntekening)

De Allosaurus is de grootste vleesetende dinosaurus ooit opgegraven. Deze dinosaurus leefde 155 tot 150 miljoen jaar geleden in het late Jura tijdperk.
Tekening (line-art) van een Allosaurus
Lengte: 7,5 m
Heuphoogte: 2,10 m
Gewicht: 1,50 ton
Voedsel: vlees van andere dinosaurussen
Verspreiding en leefgebied: Colorado, Utah, Wyoming en Oklahoma.

Allosaurus (drawing)

The Allosaurus is the biggest meat eating dinosaur, lived 155 to 150 million years ago during the late Jurassic.
Drawing (line-art) of an Allosaurus
Length: 7,5 m
Hip Height: 2,10 m
Weight: 1,50 ton
Food: meat from other dinosaurs
Distribution and habitat: Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Oklahoma.

Pumpkin drawing - line-art (wallpaper)

A pumpkin (Latin: Cucurbita) is a native vegetable of North America. But it's also grows in European country's. It has a typical orange color. It includes a lot of seeds and pulp. A pumpkin can grow very large, some pumpkin's has even grown to a 1000 pounds (450 Kg's).
Drawing of a big pumpkin in grey
It's traditionally used in Thanksgiving meals in the US. Hollowed pumpkin's are than been used as decorations. Children like to carve a face in the pumkin and decorate it with candles inside.

As vegetable the pumpkin is uses for soups. But also pumpkin pie is very popular.

Trough the history, Greek people called it the 'large melon'. The oldest pumpkin seeds ever found dating around 7000 BC, in Mexico.

cartoon drawing of humans / cartoon tekeningen van mensen

Cartoon drawing of a man (grey-scale)

Cartoon drawing of a women (greyscale)

Frog drawing, cartoon, art / Tekening van een kikker

Drawing of a big frog / Tekening van een kikker